This isn't just a course; it's a transformational experience with
marketing giants such as...
AJ Roberts, the genius behind multi-million dollar launches
and a force in e-learning and direct response marketing shows us
how to leverage AI to create tailor made follow up messages.
Mat Smith, the mastermind with a track record of generating
over $600 Million in sales from Facebook ads in the home
improvement niche breaks down the best practices that he uses to
generate millions with Phonesites + Facebook ads.
Jason Hornung, the wizard who's the backbone of ad
campaigns producing $20 million+ in profitable sales annually on
Facebook teaches how to Craft Effective Facebook Ad Frameworks
Using AI Prompted Offers.
Ryan Stewman, the entrepreneur, bestselling author, and
mentor known for helping people become the most elite version of
themselves gives 5 tangible and simple ways to generate leads &
sales with social media and online efforts.
Steve Apodaca, an authoritative figure in team leadership,
sales, and training (and current Manager of Operations at
Phonesites) lays foundational pieces on how to effectively
identify & cater to your target audience, grab and keep their
Steve Apodaca, follows up his first session with ways to
use Phonesites to maximize lead flow, site building tips,
structuring compelling headlines, copy, lead magnets and calls to