A Common Sales Process Mistake and How To Fix It
Unfortunately, many salespeople do the sales process backward and end up spending an uncomfortable amount of time and energy for little results.
I’ll lay out a common mistake that sales people make and how to avoid making it.
Most of us have been in a situation where a rookie or salesman with hot commission breath vomits information about features & mechanics. It’s overwhelming and sometimes annoying!
Let's consider for a moment that:
If you boil those scenarios down to a single issue, it would be that you talk too damn much!
Think about this; humans ignore statements all day long, but how often have you caught yourself not answering someone who asks you a question? If you're not a socially inept or rude person it's probably very rarely.
So, if you want to sell more (AKA - help people make wise decisions), you need to ask intentional and diagnostic questions, because it gives your customer something they want even more than what you are selling - an answer!
That said, change up the format from:
Move away from giving "presentations" to giving "question-tations."
You're presented with an opportunity because they have a problem, so you must first ask why. For example, "Why is this person talking to me? What brought them to me?" People typically want to:
Once you discover why they came to you, it's time to SIMPLY explain how your product or service delivers results (features & benefits); "Sure, here's how we accomplish that:"
The least important part is the "what." The "what" just identifies the tool/service you use to accomplish the goal.
There you have it - a simple formula to build rapport, make your prospects feel like you're listening to them and be the one to solve their problems.
If you’ve been struggling to close or are getting fewer results than normal try asking more questions.
Steve Apodaca